Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

When disaster strikes, will your business be ready?

Accidents are never scheduled, and often occur when you least expect them to. Ask yourself this question: if an accident did happen, would you be able to recover from an unscheduled disaster resulting in data loss? Why take the risk of losing the data your business depends on to maintain continuity? Instead of just hoping you won’t fall victim to a catastrophe leading to the detrimental loss of important company data, invest in a reliable San Diego IT business Continuity and disaster recovery plan.

According to the University of Carolina Information Technology Service, a hard drive crashes every 15 seconds, and 31% of PC users have lost all of their data to events beyond their control. In addition, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), ranked California number 2 on the list of top 20 states with the most natural disasters to date, according to their disaster statistics. Considering these astounding numbers, do you feel confident that should a disaster strike at any given time you will be able to continue normal business operations, and not just be another statistic? Don’t roll the dice with something that has the potential to have such dire repercussions.

As the age of storing important company data in file cabinets is coming to a close, most data, such as client records or company documents are now stored on computers. Although this is a more efficient, more convenient, and more secure way to store company data, never overlook the inherent risk of losing that data in the instance of an unexpected disaster. This could include:

  • Natural disasters – fires, floods, earthquakes, electrical storms; you may never see these coming until its too late to save your company data.
  • Human error – it is just too easy to accidently hit that delete key. Mistakes happen, and they can sometimes be catastrophic to a business.
  • Criminal acts – it is likely that your company has a security system in place, but a “smash and grab” robber might not think twice about it.
  • Virus attacks – even with the best virus protection implemented in your system, there is always a risk of your system being infected with dangerous malware or viruses.
  • Hardware Failure – if the equipment storing your precious data malfunctions, a company waiting for it to get repaired and back up and running can lose time, money, and even clients.

We have worked with companies that have lost entire server rooms, and had them back up and running by the next day. San Diego IT maintains a supply of spare equipment on hand at all times, so if your server goes down on a Friday afternoon and you are unable to procure the necessary service/equipment critical to business functions or calls for inspectors over the weekend, we are able to set you up with a temporary network systems until you have acquired everything you need. While recovery in just one day is impressive, what if any downtime, no matter how short the duration is unacceptable? We have designed and implemented systems for clients that can virtually eliminate any down time. Whether it is a single server or an entire site we have the solutions to keep your systems available 24/7/365.

Eliminate the risk of permanent data loss and soaring downtime costs by implementing a San Diego IT business continuity solution into your network infrastructure, and rest assured that if the worst case scenario does occur, your data is safe, and your business is able to retain continuity, keeping your customers satisfied and avoiding unnecessary downtime costs.

Maintaining business continuity is vital in maintaining a successful business. Don’t put off placing a San Diego IT business continuity plan into operation until its too late, act now and rest assured knowing that San Diego IT has you covered 24/7/365 more info at

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